If there ever was a game that proves communication transcends languages even in a digital space, then Dark Souls is a strong case. Because despite having a literal messaging (or voice chat) system in-game, the players are still communicative. It's all thanks to the gesture mechanic. They're practically emojis (or emoticons, for boomers) and they signal player intentions and mood well enough.

It just works even if it's the equivalent of caveman grunts and screams. In fact, some of these gestures are so overused or universal in-game that they have become iconic with one of them even spreading influence outside the Souls community. That system hasn't really evolved much in Elden Ring but if it ain't broke, why fix it? Hence, these Dark Soulsgestures have withstood the test of time and the best ones became staples of the Soulsborne games.

8 Wave

dark souls wave gesture

Outside of video games, a wave is generally considered a friendly gesture or maybe as a way of showing there's no sharp weapon in one's hand so no harm is meant. So even the most socially inept of Dark Souls players know what this means and if they receive a wave, the person joining their online session isn't out for their guts.

In a game as gloomy and as oppressive as Dark Souls, a mere wave from another human being can be a beautiful thing. In times of emergency, a wave in Dark Souls can also be used to indicate that an invader is looking for a duel and might have just invaded by mistake or can't find red signs.

7 Bow

dark souls 1 ambush

What's better than a friendly wave? Respect! And the best way to show that in Dark Souls is through another universal human body language, the bow. Anyone who bows in Dark Souls is expected to give off respectful conduct. This is particularly important in duels (different from invasions) where the participants are expected to refrain from healing themselves.

The PvP duel etiquette in Dark Souls games (should) typically begin with a bow. This is a community language and the fact that a lot of players have agreed on it is good proof that humanity can govern itself through logic and equality. Probably. Maybe. But in any case, the bow in Dark Soulshas always been a refreshing show of manners and honor.

6 Joy


Celebrating a win or merely expressing the rare fleeting happiness in Dark Souls has its own apt gesture. The joy gesture can almost be heard despite the lack of sound as it makes the characters jump in cheerfulness with hands flailing and waving in the air.

In a game like Dark Souls, there are lots of moments that warrant such a gesture. Be it finally defeating a boss in co-op or winning a lopsided PvP duel or invasion; jumping in jow has always been easy to interpret. It's also a good way to spread positivity and happiness in a game where everyone is usually anxious or seething.

5 Point Down

dark souls point down

Point down can be used for many purposes in Dark Souls. The most obvious one (and likely the intended use for it) is to help others locate a secret or a pathway, especially in co-op. Other times, it can be a signal to warn other players of traps on the ground or hidden pitfalls.

The more hardcore use for it, however, comes in PvP where it's the equivalent of disrespecting a disrespectful opponent. By gesturing "point down" it's essentially saying players put down a and humbled an opponent. It's a less offensive equivalent of "teabagging" in multiplayer matches. So it's best to be aware of this gesture's meaning in PvP.

4 Point Forward


Point forward is a lot friendlier than point down as in PvP, players can use it to sic their backup against gankers of invaders. That's the epic usage for this kind of gesture in Dark Souls' multiplayer. Apart from that, it's also a good way to taunt or challenge someone in multiplayer since pointing at a stranger while maintaining eye contact is generally rude; definitely don't try it at cops in real life.

Of course, the more obvious utility of this gesture is to usher co-op teammates in the right direction or maybe signal to them that there might be some hidden enemies or big threats ahead. The funny thing about this gesture is that it doesn't stop movement and players can even spin while pointing forward if they're bored.

3 Prostration

dark souls patches

Prostration is one of the funniest gestures in Dark Souls since players need to interact with Patches in order to unlock it. It's apparently meant to portray exhaustion or fatigue but since it collapses the characters in a fetal position, it has since been used for expressing either regret or hopelessness.

A lot of players tend to use it against PvP matches where their opponent is cosplaying as someone too frightening or absurd as an opponent. That, or maybe they have too many enemies encircling them, and that resistance is futile. It's a dignified way to give up as opposed to rage quitting or disconnecting.

2 Well! What is it!


Turns out pointing at someone with a gesture in Dark Souls doesn't always get the point across. When one wants to impose full aggression and is looking for a fight, then the Well! What is it! gesture (complete with exclamations!) is more than enough. It's a classic way to assert dominance before the fight begins or after it has ended.

Granted, this gesture isn't always a show of bravado (and a way to imitate the T-pose for dominance). Sometimes, it can be a call for a hug, especially for co-op teammates. Because what else could it mean if done in the presence of a friend? And besides, Giantdad wouldn't have been complete without this cherry-on-top gesture.

1 Praise the Sun

praise the sun in dark souls

Giantdad might have popularized the "Well! What is it!" gesture, but it still pales in comparison to jolly cooperation— a brotherly co-op culture best represented by the Praise the Sun gesture. Solaire of Astora bequeaths this to the players and promptly offers his unconditional aid afterward.

For many, this gesture has thus become an undeniable icon of altruism in a game that's intent on breaking the players' spirit. It also helps that its origin character is one of the nicest and most radiant ever in video game history. In our hearts, Solaire of Astora is ever grossly incandescent and it shines more every time a Sunbro performs "Praise the Sun" before and after helping another player against a boss.

Dark Souls was released on September 22, 2011, and is available for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 5.

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